BOOKS BY AUTHOR Jennifer Thibeaux

Released 2021. Publisher: Thibeaux Publishing, FL
We are inundated with information (and tons of it misinformation) about what it means to be an entrepreneur and lead the "entrepreneur life". Behind the curtain of "it's great" is the work required to make your business successful beyond your imagination. In this book, author Jennifer "drJ" Thibeaux pulls the curtain back to discover what it means to lead the "entrepreneur life". We cover the business aspects and social skills, and soft skills required to become an entrepreneur success. As a "serial entrepreneur", drJ lays out the formula for launching and establishing a business. No matter if you're fresh out of high school, or enjoying your grandchildren, when you start a business, you want it to be successful. Time and business success is on your side when you have the right information, tools, and mentality.
Unconscious Bias
Released 2021. Publisher: Thibeaux Publishing, FL
Unconscious biases are the biases that everyone has, that live in the dark recesses of the human brain. These biases are grown in each individual and can greatly influence the day to day decision that are made both at home and at work.
This book will introduce to you the ideas and techniques for defining different unconscious biases that are very common today. It will also show the effects of these biases on the work culture and the business practices of a company. And finally, the book will cover the steps to introducing a successful unconscious bias program in the workplace.

10 Soft Skills You Need
Released 2021. Publisher: Thibeaux Publishing, FL
Having the technical skills and knowledge to successfully execute your job duties is only one part of being the best you can be in the workplace. In addition to these “hard” skills, we also need “soft” skills. Soft skills are those skills which allow us to effectively work with others. No matter what your position, organization, or industry, you work with people. Taking the time to build effective soft skills can contribute to a more efficient, more harmonious, and more productive workplace, as well as to your own overall job happiness and satisfaction.
Parent Apart
Released 2021. Publisher: Thibeaux Publishing, FL
Filing for divorce is one of the most difficult decisions and processes that most people will go through in their lives. Add children to the equation and your own personal emotions about separating and you've got a recipe for chaos. Parenting in different households can be a positive experience - the journey to get you there is totally up to you and your ex-spouse. Conflict is inevitable, staying there is a choice.
Your kids deserve peace. You deserve peace. You grow to a better place when you can secure peace for everyone. In this book, we cover the eight key areas to help you stabilize your new family situation and be on the journey to peace.

Positively Charged
Released 2020. Publisher: Thibeaux Publishing, FL
The world is built on positivity - shouldn't YOU be too? The good things YOU want to realize in YOUR life happen when YOU replace negativity with positivity. This is YOUR chance to be the person YOU want to be, to receive the things YOU want in life, and to better YOUR circumstance. Grant YOURSELF permission today.
It's time to make YOUR success a reality. This book is designed to supercharge YOUR life. At some point, the burden to carry on with YOUR life the way YOU have been is too heavy to bear. Negativity can weigh YOU down and destroy YOUR chances in life. Stop normalizing bad results for YOURSELF. It's time to take control. This is YOUR life, and it deserves to be stronger and POSITIVELY CHARGED. Prioritize YOU, it's time.
U Are What U Tweet Dot Com
Second Edition Released 2020. Publishing: Thibeaux Publishing, FL
Released 2020. Publisher: Thibeaux Publishing, FL
"U Are What You Tweet Dot Com - Using Social Media to Win at Everything" is a must read book that breaks down the mechanics of social media and underscores why you absolutely must learn the game, and be in the game to win. There is no more visible social media tool right now than Twitter these days as world leaders, major corporations, celebrities, and the like use the platform to communicate. Just because you can click on the tool, doesn't mean you'll be successful. In this book we'll cover all of the ins and outs of building a social media profile and presence. As an added bonus we'll take a deep dive into our best secrets, tips, and lessons about Twitter. Don't let the tweetie bird beat you! Social media can be your best tool in the online world when you know how to use it.

Become a Social Media Master
Released 2020. Publisher: Thibeaux Publishing, FL
Mastering social media marketing and branding is the single-most critical step an entrepreneur and/or business can execute. While most people see the simplicity in social media as posting, adding pictures, sharing, likes, and retweets, there is so much more to it. A social media platform is a complex software tool, designed by a slew of software engineers and developers that is simply broadcast and made available over the internet. We mistakenly think that because of the ease of use of the tool that the inner workings are simple. Understanding the algorithm and how to use it to your marketing advantage can make the difference between staying in business and closing up shop. In this book we explore the strategies for success to identify your audience through social media; identify strategies that support your overall business goals; build marketing lists for short and long-term sales cycles; the power of content and sharing, scaling up through target marketing, and investment using profits of your marketing results. We take the mystery out of social media marketing and go straight to the good stuff - the information you need to be successful.
Getting Unstuck: Vision Book BAE
Released 2020. Publisher: Thibeaux Publishing, KY
Getting Unstuck: Vision Book BAE is the woman's guide to working herself out of life's ruts into her future. Using the Law of Attraction, we take the Vision Board off the wall and give it a more mobile place to be used and viewed 24X7. This book is about being okay with leaving the "today you" behind so that you can find the "future you". Gain confidence and pinpoint the vision in the areas of your life you want to see a remarkable difference.

#TheRealMVP: Single Mom Raising a Sports Phenom
Released 2017. Publisher: Thibeaux Publishing, TX
Going through youth sports is not only a trying experience for the athlete - it does a number on the mom! Over 50% of kids in sports are being raised by a single mom.
Inspired by the Wanda Durant story of raising Kevin Durant and his other siblings in the youth sports world, Jennifer "drJ" Thibeaux shares her personal experiences of how she did it as a single mom with details, resources, and solutions. This single mom's guide to youth sports success is relatable, reasonable, and repeatable!
"I wanted to honor the journey by sharing my story to inspire other single moms in their journey"